May 23, 2011

When I'm gone

When I’m gone
You won’t feel the emptiness
For I take it with me
To settle down in some fake paradise
I must create with my ingenuity

When I’m gone
All you’ll think of is the very many
Ways in which to explore the space
The tanned bodies and the text book positions
When in my space all ill hear is the memory of you breathe

When I’m gone
The days will follow the nights
As torturously as they have done so far
To sting my eyes with light when all inside me is darkness
A twilight in an eternal what could have been

When I’m gone
I’ll be your mistake. That one big regret
When all I am is a freak who loved you
A freak that cared
But to me you’ll always be the angel
Destined to have.  Cursed to lose.


  1. love this, also the other poems in this site. wanted to ask, who are the poets who influence your writing, inspire you? have you read vivimarie vanderpoorten's poetry? i see the hint of an influence. dunno, i am a fan so maybe i am seeing this. keep writing good luck.

  2. Actually for a poet wanna be, I read very little poetry... lol... but yes someone did inspire me and it was Vivimarie! Dont think she really knows it. I never thought too much about my stuff until she commented on a few and I started seeing them as more than I gave credit for. But the style is mine. I like how they are simple and flowing... I want to touch the heart... make sense on a personal level... its original... the style and the pain. Thanks.

  3. I love this one....
    u succeeded in ur mission....
    "I want to touch the heart... make sense on a personal level... its original... the style and the pain"
